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NextEra Podcast

Dear Listeners,

We hope you enjoyed our first episode of the GSK article. If you somehow missed it, you can click here, and it will take you to our first episode.

We appreciate your love and support after our debut episode. The second episode of "Insight Pavaki" from Pavaki Capital on NexEra is now available.

In preparation for the expansion of Florida power, NextEra is growing its customer base. Are you curious about the company's groundbreaking choice to reduce carbon emissions, its outstanding leadership, its financial situation, and more?

Listen to our podcast and share your response with us in the comment box.


The information presented herein is provided solely for discussion and illustration purposes and is not a recommendation, offer, or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. The securities listed do not represent all of the securities that have been purchased, sold, or recommended to advisory clients. As of the date of recording, the Pavaki Capital speakers’ views and opinions are their own. Any such views are subject to change at any time due to market or other conditions, and Pavaki Capital makes no commitment to update such views. These opinions should not be construed as investment advice, and because investment decisions are influenced by a variety of factors, they should not be construed as an indication of trading intent on behalf of any Pavaki Capital product. Neither Pavaki Capital nor its speakers can be held liable for any direct or indirect loss incurred as a result of using any of the information provided. Kindly consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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