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Must read for graduates: First step to your future

You will encounter many crossroads in life, and one of them is deciding, “What course should I get in college?”. This is the start of your young adult life, your first big decision that will probably decide your career and path in life. If you are one of the lucky ones who already know what to pursue growing up, then good for you, but many high school students struggle to decide what course to pursue in college and end up being stuck to a course they don’t like.

Some of you might depend on your parents’ plans or dreams for you; some would give in to peer pressure wanting to be in the same college as your high school buddies. But remember, you will live your life, not your parents, and you will not be with your friends forever. Your decision will have a huge impact on your life. Here are a few things to consider:

What are your talents?

Finding things you are good at might help. List your talents, subjects you are good at, and your strengths that are worth noting. Talents are not just if you are good at singing or dancing, and talent is something you’d consider yourself a competitive advantage and something you think you can master or improve.

Maybe you have an innate talent for arts and creativity, cooking or crafts, or maybe a knack for science, or you are probably a natural leader or a good public speaker.

Focus on your talents and use them to your advantage. See if you can find a course that matches your talents and strengths.

What are your interests?

Deciding your course will decide what career you will pursue in the future. Choose something you will have fun learning, something that you are passionate about, and if it’s worth pursuing as a lifelong career.

Here’s an example, you discovered your talent for cooking, and it’s something you enjoy doing during your free time, but can you imagine yourself cooking for hours, studying about food, and learning different cuisines. Is it something you are going to enjoy doing?

What do you want in life?

What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in 10 years, maybe? Do you see yourself living abroad, traveling, working with people, or pursuing financial security?

Do you think the course you have in mind will lead you to the future you imagine? Can you imagine doing it for the rest of your life or for the most part of your life? Do you want to pursue a career that you are interested in and passionate about, or lean toward something that’ll give you more financial freedom? (Or both)

These are the questions you need to ask yourself.

What careers are in demand?

Once you’ve answered 1-3, it is also worth checking the current job demands. It might help you what specialty you might want to pursue, making sure you’ll land a job after you graduate.

Talk to a professional.

Once you’ve decided on a college course, try to observe professionals in action. If you know someone with the same career, talk to them, observe what they do, and get an insight as to what your possible future may look like.

Personally, this is what I hope I did for myself. Do not give in to peer or parental pressure; take your time to decide what you really want in life. Talk to someone who can give you personal insights and professional advice.

Good luck!

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